Woburn Abbey, Bedfordshire - Bat Surveys with Tree-Climbing

Woburn Abbey, Bedfordshire - Bat Surveys with Tree-Climbing image #1

Following on from a tree survey in 2012, Windrush Ecology have been undertaking several days of tree-climbing surveys to look for bat roosts at Woburn Abbey in Bedfordshire, on behalf of Bedford Estates.

After an initial ground-based assessment of the trees to survey for their potential to offer shelter to roosting bats, several trees were identified as having high roost potential due to the presence of features such as rot holes, hollows and cavities. A bat survey including tree-climbing was undertaken in order to take a closer look at these features and to look for bats and evidence of bats such as droppings, fur staining and scratch marks.

The bat survey was undertaken by experienced ecologists who hold Natural England licences to survey and handle bats, who are full members of IEEM and who are trained and experienced tree climbers.  

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